Repair Broken WordPress Site

The Most Common Things To Repair Broken WordPress Site

If you are a WordPress user then you must know how to repair broken WordPress site. It’s because there are some common issues which can be caused because of a few things.

There are many plugins, themes present in the WordPress directory and it is possible that you choose the wrong one which can break your website. You must have the proper knowledge about such things so that you can repair broken WordPress site.

In this post, I am going to let you know some common fixes for the broken website. The culprits and the solutions will be provided.

Know The Common Culprits and Repair Broken WordPress Site

Most of the time the WordPress users fret a lot when they see any error on their website. It’s obvious because no one would want their website to get broken.

People work hard to build a better blog and if any third party breaks their dream then it won’t be bearable. So it’s important that you should know the most common reasons which can break your website.

1. Check The Plugins

You know that WordPress site is maintained because of the plugins and there are many plugins which play an important role in handling your website.

But sometimes, a few plugins can be the reason for your problems. You know that plugins are developed with the PHP coding and same with the WordPress CMS.

When you install a poorly coded plugin then it would conflict with the codes of your WordPress and an error can appear on your website.

It’s always recommended that you should choose a WordPress plugin carefully. Always read the reviews before installing it because people share their experience with the plugin and you can easily know with which plugin it may conflict.

Sometimes, a plugin can’t run properly with other plugins. So you have to notice the list and avoid using those plugins together.

When something goes wrong then you should deactivate all the plugins and activate one by one so that you can find out the plugin which is the reason for the error message.

There are many errors which occur due to any bad plugin. When you get the warnings “cannot modify header information” then for sure, the reason is one of the plugins you use on your site.

To repair broken WordPress site, the first step is to deactivate all the plugins and then check them.

2. The WordPress Theme You Are Using

Most of the bloggers don’t look at the quality of the theme while choosing it for their new blog. They just see the color combinations and the look of the theme and go for it.

There are many other things to check before choosing a WordPress theme. Most of the time when you get the sidebar shifting error then the reason is your theme.

Some theme developers don’t concentrate on the proper coding which may conflict with WordPress or any plugin later when you publish blog posts.

Have you ever noticed a theme in which you add a bigger size image and the image goes out of the box? It happens because the theme developer hasn’t done the job properly.

When you think about changing your theme then there are many things you should check. To repair broken WordPress site, you should always switch to the default theme of WordPress so that you can find out the reasons.

3. Reinstall WordPress

When you see small bugs in your WordPress CMS then it is possible that one of the WordPress files is broken and to repair that you should reinstall WordPress.

Sometimes, when you update the WordPress to its latest version then some files can get broken. To repair those files, you should reinstall WordPress and fix the issues.

You can do that using your WordPress admin panel only. Just a simple button to click and you will get a brand new package of the WordPress on your website.

4. Database Error

This is one of the most common errors in WordPress. When you start a blog or move your website from one host to another then you would get the “error establishing database connection” which is because you haven’t updated the credentials in the wp-config.php file.

But if you are running a website and then you get the database error then it may be because the database of your website is broken.

To repair broken WordPress site you should check and repair SQL database from the phpMyAdmin. Most of the time, it solves the problem because when you don’t have any database optimization plugins then it happens.

So it’s necessary to have a plugin which can remove all the unwanted rows from the tables which are not needed. It would reduce the size of the database and you won’t get any error.

5. Any Other Error

There are many errors like HTTP error, 404 error, internal server error etc. These can be solved by the above-mentioned methods.

But if you don’t find any solution then the best place to reach is the WordPress forum. Though it’s always recommended that try to find the error and repair broken WordPress site your own but when you fail to do it then drop a question in the forum.

Though you can take the help of your fellow bloggers. It can be one of the best ideas because no one would deny helping others.

People are here to help each other and it is possible that the problem you face has been faced by someone. So don’t hesitate to ask for the help.

Can You Now Repair Broken WordPress Site

I have mentioned the most common solutions to repair broken WordPress site and to fix the issues. You should keep all the things in your mind when you see any error on your website.

I know that people who are not tech savvy face a lot of problem with these things. That’s why I have mentioned these common things to check.

People crave to get the proper solution which is hard to find. So it’s better to find it yourself by checking the above-mentioned ways.

You will learn a lot when you try to repair broken WordPress site because the more you check about WordPress, the more you learn.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Fabulous tips, as always, Ravi. Plugin’s are my #1 go to when something goes a bit wonky. Chances are an update happened and it conflicts with another. Hate it when that happens.

    Thank you for sharing these tips with us. It’s great when we can fix our own instead of hiring out, right? ?


    1. Hey Bren,

      I have recently encountered an error with a plugin which was conflicting with others. I had to refresh the website by re-installation. It’s really annoying when any plugin does that.

      It’s always better to solve ourselves than to hire someone.

      Thanks for the support.


  2. Nice blog and very useful information. Recently I had encountered broken wordpress site and it took almost 2 days to resolve the issue. The issue was very minor. It had happened after wordpress migration. Somehow text was not showing up on content pages. I had to edit whole text again. Anyways, most of the times wordpress broken issue occurs because of plugins. I have faced it so many times.

    1. Hey Aswani,

      Poorly coded plugins are the reasons to mismatch the whole content of your website. That’s why it’s always recommended to check the plugin on the local server.

      I am glad that you can resonate.

      Thanks for stopping by.


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